In Des Moines as it is in Heaven.


Practicing the way of Jesus for the renewal of the city.

The Gateway Church is a church community in the heart of Des Moines with a vision to practice the way of Jesus. People from across all spectrums of life and faith join together in a communal journey of being formed by the presence of God. Gateway believes God’s embodied goodness brings wholeness to individuals, families, workplaces, schools, and neighborhoods.

We believe integrating presence, formation, and renewal is at the heart of Jesus’ ministry and is the unique invitation to the church in our time and place.



Pursue God’s presence in a community rooted in Christ.

We are present to God.

Presence is more than a theological affirmation or doctrinal position. We desire to turn aside and encounter the personal presence of Jesus manifest through the Spirit.

We are present to one another.

The church is a social body situated around Jesus. In Him, we live, move, and cling to life. And in us, Jesus mediates his loving care as we love one another just as God loves us in Christ.


Be transformed into who you are made to be.

Formation is a whole life process of receiving the love of God. We desire to embrace the teachings of Jesus, live out the rhythms of Jesus, and do so in the community of Jesus by the power of the Spirit of Jesus.


Join God in the renewal of all things.

The Church is a countercultural movement in the world for the common good and the glory of God. We are committed to receiving God's call to join him in Des Moines as active participants in our city's renewal. We do so by partnering with local organizations and non-profits, physically and financially, to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.


Visit us

Sundays at 10am

Gravitate Coworking Downtown
500 Locust Street, Suite 119
Des Moines, IA 50309